There are a lot of connections between math and science. In science there are a lot of formulas that you have to use to find out certain things.  One formula that I remember using this year was when we were studying plants.  We had to memorize the chemical formulas for respiration and photosynthesis.  All of these formulas used in science are a type of math. You also have to use math when you are measuring things which you have to do a lot with chemistry, and pretty much everything. 

One other thing that we used math for in science class was when we studied radioactive decay in rocks.  We had to do a lot of addition and multiplication, and used percents when finding out how much radioactive isotope was in the rock. As you can seen, math and science are connected in many ways.

Negative numbers are numbers below zero. There are an infinite number of negative numbers just like there are positive. One interesting thing about negatives is that none of them have a square root! It is impossible for them to have a square root because a positive times a positive is a positive, and a negative times a negative is a positive.

 There are a lot of ways that we use these numbers in real life.  The way that we use them every day that really stands out to me is money.  One way that we use them is money is when we owe someone money, or are in debt.  Say that someone gives you money to buy something and you have to pay them back 10$; you owe that person 10$ or in other words they owe you -10$.  There are a lot of ways that we use negative numbers in real life, but this is just one way I can think of when using money.
An equation like 2x-7=15 is very easy to solve using simple algebra. The goal is to get x by itself so you can know what its value is.  The first step in solving this problem is to add seven to itself, to cancel itself out, and then add seven to fifteen to get twenty-two. You do this because in an equation you have to add a term to both sides to cancel it out.  Now the equation is 2x=22.  The next step is to divide both sides by two to get x by itself.  You divide two by two to cancel itself out, then you divide twenty-two by two to get eleven.  Now x is by itself and all that is left is x=11. This is how you find the value of x in a simple equation such as this one.