There is a lot about Computech that I love and would be proud to share if someone I knew asked about it. I would start with the teachers and students that go there. I'd tell them how helpful the teachers and staff have been to me and everyone else. Then I would explain how great the students that go here are, and that at Computech it is very easy to make friends. I haven't had any problems with people this year at school which I am very glad about.

Another thing I would tell someone who was asking about Computech is the Aquatics P.E. program! That has been the best part of my experience at Computech. This is my favorite thing about school because it is very fun and I have pretty much all of my friends in that class other than people I already knew. If someone asked me what classes they should take at our school as an incoming seventh grader, I would tell them to do Aquatics P.E. for sure.
Today Mr. Armstrong had us preview a game called Ribbon Hero. Ribbon Hero is all about learning to use Microsoft Office more effectively.  So there are different challenges that I had to do in different programs such as Word, Power Point, Excel and Note.  It was fun because it was set up as a game, so there was a story.  It was about a paper clip man who kept ending up in different periods of world history.  In each different time period I had to complete different challenges in each program.  Most of them were very challenging and took me a while to figure out, but after awhile I figured it out.  Each of these challenges taught me a different skill that I didn't know before and could really be helpful someday.  Overall I was able to understand the different Microsoft programs better and I think I will be able to apply some things I learned in Ribbon Hero.

Overall I think that Ribbon Hero was very effective.  One reason is because it is fun and the game part of it will keep students interested because I know it made it more interesting for me.  Also, Ribbon Hero taught me a lot of new skills.  I did not even know about Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Note, and this game informed me about those, so that in itself was something new.  Also, I learned what you would use those two programs for and I would probably feel somewhat comfortable using them now.  So I would definitely recommend using Ribbon Hero as another way to teach the use of the Microsoft Office.  It teaches you a lot, and also is kind of fun.

Ribbon Hero taught me a lot about using Microsoft office.  In class we have also been learning how to use Microsoft Office better by watching series of videoes on different programs such as Publisher and Power Point, and then apply what we learn in a practice session.  These videoes are very effective and in some cases more effective.  For example, the videoes are more thorough about teaching and do a better job at explaining the basics of each program.  That is why I think that it would be better to teach with the videoes first, and then have students apply what they learn by playing Ribbon Hero. 

In twenty years I will be thirty-two years old.  I will have graduated from Stanford University and will be the owner of some business that I create, if I'm not a pro athlete.  I will be married and have kids.  Me and my family will live somewhere on the west coast and hopefully I will be making a lot of money.  Other than this, I cannot tell you a whole lot about my life in twenty years.
On September 11, 2001 the Twin Towers in New York City were attacked by suicide bombers in a plane.  They crashed into the towers and killed thousands of people including residents of the city, the people on the planes, brave firefighters and policemen trying to save people from inside the buildings, and many others.  There were also two other planes headed for the pentagon and white house but neither of them got to their targets.  This tragic event has made a big impact on our country.  It has even caused the war that we are fighting in right now.
Sir Thomas Buxton once said, “Experience shows that success is due less to ability than to zeal. The winner is he who gives himself to his work, body, and soul.” To me this means that if you want to be successful, you have to work as hard as you can at what you are doing. It doesnt matter how good you are but if you keep working hard and dont give up, you can do good. I think that success is achieving your goals, but to do this, you have to do exactly what Sir Thomas Buxton said. That is to give yourself to your work, body, and soul. If you do this, you will eventually become a very important person who most likely makes a lot of money.
I have always been very worried about dressing for P.E. It always sounded really creepy and I always hoped that I wouldnt have to do it.  Luckily, I dont have to do it now that I do aquatics P.E. instead of normal P.E.  This allows me to change into my smimsuit at lunch insetad of changing in front of everyone.  This has been very convienent so far.  I am very glad that I am doing aquatics.
One lesson that I have recently started learning is how to speak French.  French is hard but it makes a lot of sense because it is so similar to English.  So far we have learned the alphabet, numbers one through twenty, colors, phrases, and a few other things.  French class is a lot of fun.  It is cool to be able to speak another language, even though it is hard to learn sometimes.
There are many ways that computers have changed my life.  The biggest way is that as I have gotten older I have been doing more and more work on the computer, especially with typing.  Computers are really changing the way I do everything.  Now I even have a blog at school.  I can only imagine what computers will be like when I am an adult!
I am not to worried about dressing for P.E.  This is mainly because I am doing aquatics P.E.  This means that I can change into my swimsuit at lunch intsead of in front of everyone since aquatics is eigth period.  If I did do normal P.E, I would not want to have to dress with everyone else.  That would be a little uncomfortable.  That's why I am really glad that I am doing aquatics P.E. instead of normal P.E.
My first week at computech has been a lot of fun so far. The electives I chose were french anad orchestra. My other classes are algebra computers, science, english, history and P.E.  All my teachers are really nice.  After school I go over to the Edison pool for water polo tryouts. If I make it, I will also be doing aquatics P.E.  I am really excited about this school year.