I have always been very worried about dressing for P.E. It always sounded really creepy and I always hoped that I wouldnt have to do it.  Luckily, I dont have to do it now that I do aquatics P.E. instead of normal P.E.  This allows me to change into my smimsuit at lunch insetad of changing in front of everyone.  This has been very convienent so far.  I am very glad that I am doing aquatics.
One lesson that I have recently started learning is how to speak French.  French is hard but it makes a lot of sense because it is so similar to English.  So far we have learned the alphabet, numbers one through twenty, colors, phrases, and a few other things.  French class is a lot of fun.  It is cool to be able to speak another language, even though it is hard to learn sometimes.
There are many ways that computers have changed my life.  The biggest way is that as I have gotten older I have been doing more and more work on the computer, especially with typing.  Computers are really changing the way I do everything.  Now I even have a blog at school.  I can only imagine what computers will be like when I am an adult!
I am not to worried about dressing for P.E.  This is mainly because I am doing aquatics P.E.  This means that I can change into my swimsuit at lunch intsead of in front of everyone since aquatics is eigth period.  If I did do normal P.E, I would not want to have to dress with everyone else.  That would be a little uncomfortable.  That's why I am really glad that I am doing aquatics P.E. instead of normal P.E.
My first week at computech has been a lot of fun so far. The electives I chose were french anad orchestra. My other classes are algebra computers, science, english, history and P.E.  All my teachers are really nice.  After school I go over to the Edison pool for water polo tryouts. If I make it, I will also be doing aquatics P.E.  I am really excited about this school year.