There is a lot about Computech that I love and would be proud to share if someone I knew asked about it. I would start with the teachers and students that go there. I'd tell them how helpful the teachers and staff have been to me and everyone else. Then I would explain how great the students that go here are, and that at Computech it is very easy to make friends. I haven't had any problems with people this year at school which I am very glad about.

Another thing I would tell someone who was asking about Computech is the Aquatics P.E. program! That has been the best part of my experience at Computech. This is my favorite thing about school because it is very fun and I have pretty much all of my friends in that class other than people I already knew. If someone asked me what classes they should take at our school as an incoming seventh grader, I would tell them to do Aquatics P.E. for sure.

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