Finding the volume of an irregular shaped object is much easier than it may sound.  All you have to do is use the displacement method.  The displacement method is very simple.  All you need to do is have a measured container of water.  Then you put the object in the water and however much the water rises is what the volume of the object is.  For example, lets say you are trying to find the volume of a small rock.  You have a container of 500 milliliters of water and when you put the rock in, the water rises to 600 milliliters.  By doing this you know that the volume of the rock is 100 milliliters because the water rose 100 milliliters when the rock went in.  This is called the displacement method.
In science we are currently learning about the effects of air pressure.  To learn this we have done some interesting experiments.  One of the ones we did was called the eggsperiment.  During this experiment we had to try to get a peeled hard boiled into a bottle.  At first the egg could not go into the bottle becaus the air pressure inside and outside of the bottle were the same. In order to get the egg into the bottle, you have to put a piece of burning paper into  the bottle.    This changes the air pressure allowing the egg to go in.  To get it out you have to flip the bottle over so that the egg is at the top.  Then you have to blow as hard as you can into the bottle and the egg will come out.  And that was the eggsperiment.