If I was working in a restaurant trying to find the better deal on two items I would use ratio to do it. I personally think that ratio is maybe a longer way to solve, but it is simpler. It is laid out in a way that is simpler to solve in my opinion.  Here is an example...

Let's say I work in a restaurant and we need to buy more salt. There are two choices: I could either buy 5 lb. containers of salt for $12.00 each, or I could buy 8 lb. containers of salt for $16.00 each. How do I figure out which is the better buy? Well I have to set it up as two ratios: the ratios are $12.00/5 and $16.00/8.  I need to find out the price per pound of salt for each container, and to do that you just divide $12 by 5 lb. and $16 by 8lb. For the 5 pound container you get 2.4, which means that in that container, each pound of salt costs $2.40. In the 8 pound container you get exactly 2 by dividing 16 by 2, so the price per pound of that container is $2.00. Just by looking at those two prices you see that buying the 8 lb. containers is cheaper since it has a lower price per pound of salt. This is how you use ratio to solve a problem like that!

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