So, I am supposed to explain why square roots might be called that.  Well I think the reason they are called that is because of the way you find the area of a square.  Think of it, squares have four sides each with the same length, and you multiply two of those sides by each other to get the area.  For example if you have a four inch square, you multiply four by four to get the area which is sixteen.  So now you have sixteen.  What is the square root of that number? Well its four because four times four is sixteen.  Another example is if you have a five inch square.  Multiply five times five and get an area of twenty-five.  Then take twenty-five and find the square root of that which is five.  So basically square root is just like area, but backwards, and a number can always be traced back to its root, or base, as a square.  
12/10/2012 02:01:20 am

I like the way you explain square roots. Your paragraph is good, but you should change the color of the text. It doesn't have that academic look.


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