In science class we are working on a group project where everyone has a specific animal, and we have to demonstrate that animals' adaptations using puppets.  Each group does their own show that includes all four animals from that group.  So my group includes a field cricket played by me, then a red-tailed hawk, Mexican free-tailed bat, and a puffin which are played by the other members of my group.  In the puppet show we have the choice to entertain our audience with either a song, poem, dance or something else creative and interesting.

My animal is the field cricket.  I have done some research on them and found that even though they are very common, simple insects, they are still pretty interesting.  I found out that it is only the males that make the humming sounds with their legs, and it is their mating call.  Also, every different species of cricket has its own call so the females can recognize a male of their own species.  This is just one interesting fact about the field cricket.  I think this project is going to be pretty fun.
Karissa G.
1/22/2013 02:05:08 am

Good job, I can't find anything wrong with it.


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