The topic for today is to pick three cell parts and describe what each of their functions is.  So the first two parts of the cell (organelles) that I will describe are the chloroplast and mitochondrion.  These organelles work together in a plant cell to make food for the cell.  The chloroplast uses the energy of the sun to create food in the form of glucose.  Then the glucose goes to the mitochondrion which breaks down the glucose to realease the energy from it.  This is how a plant cell gets its energy.  In animal cells, the mitochondrion is also used to break down food, but the cell doesnt get food from the sunm, so there is no chloroplast.

The other organelle I will describe is the vacuole.  A vacuole is like a storage tank and holds most of the cells water and other materials.  Animal cells barely have a vacuole, but in plant cells the vacuole is huge.  If a plant's cells didn't have a vacuole the plant would shrivel up and die.

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