A population is a group of any size of plants or animals.  In most populations there is competition.  This can be caused by numerous things and can eventually cause various parts of evolution to take place such as extinction or speciation.  One main thing that can cause competition is a limited amount of resources available to the population.  Another main factor in competition is overpopulation.  Rats are a good example of overpopulation.  Two parents may have twelve babies in one litter.  They can have many litters in their lifetime.  Then all their babies grow up and have their own babies.  So each rat could be responsible for thousands of rats after it.  That is overpopulation.

Overpopulation and limit resources kind of work together to create competition.  If there are not enough resources in the first place, plus a population is growing extremely rapidly, there is a problem.  The total population is growing faster than the amount of resources is.  Members of that population will have to compete for the small amount of resources available to them.  There won't be enough for everyone though, so some of them will die off.  This is how competition begins in a population.
4/9/2013 02:50:17 am

That color is hurting my eyes.

4/23/2013 02:45:13 am

Nice paragraph !!


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