Recently we have been learning about amphibians in science class.  The word amphibian means double life.  What does that have to do with amphibians though?  Well, amphibians literally live a double life.  Their first life is lived in water as a tadpole, also known as the larvae stage.  Larvae is when they are younger, and not mature.  The transition into the second life is not immediate though.  It happens over time, as the tadpoles undergo metamorphosis.  Metamorphosis is when an amphibian loses its gills and develops lungs, allowing it to live on land.  Then they leave the water and actually do live on land returning to the water only to lay their eggs.

When salamanders undergo metamorphosis they don't lose their tails like frogs and toads do.  They also don't develop the strong hind legs for jumping that they do.  In fact, larvae salamanders and adult salamanders look almost exactly alike. Frogs and toads lose their tails though and also develop stronger hind legs and skeletons. These are the basics of metamorphosis.

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