The edible cell was a group project we did in science class.  We had to build a cell with all its organelles using only edible materials.   Each person was responsible for bringing some of the things that we would use for a certain part of the cell, and then we brought it all in to class and put it together, then ate, after it was graded of course.

  This project was designed to help us learn more about cell structure since that was what we were studying at the time.  I think this is a good way to help students learn about the structure of a cell, because you actually have to put it together and see what it is supposed to look like.  Also it is fun, and keeps you interested, whereas just reading a textbook can put you to sleep. So that is why I think this project was effective, and would definitely advise the seventh grade science teachers to continue it.
11/15/2012 02:08:59 am

I really liked it was really good!:) It was long and interesting, keep up the good work.
Love, Trinity Rodriguez

11/27/2012 01:48:12 am

nice job its just the right length and I agree we need to eat cells!!!

11/27/2012 01:55:15 am

I like the size of your paragraphs, but the font size and color doesn't really go together.

11/27/2012 01:55:33 am

I agree with your points, plus I was in your group!


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