I think the greatest scientific discovery in history is the discovery of electricity by Benjamin Franklin in the mid-1700s.  Since the discovery of electricity, the whole world has changed and continues to change and develop every day.  Without electricity we wouldn't have every day things like light bulbs, toasters, mixers, and electric ovens. We wouldn't have any of our cool new gadgets and such! Hwo terible would the world be?

Over the last two hundred and fifty years the world has changed drastically and electricity is one of the main reasons for that.  Now people all over the world have access to simple electric machines that are always making their lives easier. Electricity has made complicated things quite simple. Imagine candles being the only light, other that the sun, that people had three hundred years ago. It was more work, and much more dangerous in a sense. This is why I think that electricity is the greastest scientific discovery.

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