In science class every table group was assigned a different animal to do research on.  We had to do research on the classification of the animal, its' adaptations, its' methods of reproduction, and human interactions of it.  My group was assigned to the keel-billed toucan, and I did research on the classification section. It was the easiest section of research, but after I finished my part I had to help my group who had a much tougher job than I did. That got kind of stressful, but we got it done as a group. I was actually very happy because my group got extra credit on the research for how much we did.

Well I was responsible for finding classification information for the keel billed toucan. Here is a brief summary of my research:

The keel-billed toucan's scientific name is ramphastos sulfuratus, which translates to "hind legs" and "to burn." The keel billed toucan is mostly black, with a yellow chest and blue feet, as well as some red tail feathers. It also has the famous, huge beak consisting of red, orange, green, blue, and yellow. The toucan lives in rain-forests of Mexico and into South America. Their diet consists of fruit, nuts, insects, eggs, and some other small animals. The keel-billed toucan is under the conservation status of least concerned. 

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