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Today I am supposed to explain mitosis.  Mitosis is the process that eukaryotic cells perform to divide body cells and is broken up into six phases.  Interphase is the time when the nuclear membrane hasn't broken down and the DNA is still in loose strands.  Then the DNA thickens into chromosomes and the nuclear membrane breaks down.  This is called prophase.  Once the chromosomes have thickened they bundle up tightly in the middle and the spindle fibers form then attach themselves to the chromosomes, which is the third phase called metaphase.  The next phase is called anaphase.  Anaphase is where the spindle fibers pull the sister chromatids away from each other, and then disintegrate once the chromatids are separated.  Then comes telophase which is basically the beginning of the last phase which is cytokinesis.  It is where two new nuclei begin to form.  Then cytokinesis is the last phase where there are two new cells, that are exactly copies as the parent cell.
12/4/2012 01:46:39 am

Nice paragraph, don't really see any mistakes.


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