Peppered moths in England used to be mostly all white, and only a fraction of the population was black.  This was the case until the industrial revolution began.  During the industrial revolution there were a lot of black fumes and gases being emitted from factories and such.  The smoke would cover trees and make the bark turn black.  This caused a major change in the peppered moth species. 

Because the trees had turned black due to the fumes from factories, white peppered moths were less camouflaged and therefore much easier for predators to see. The lack of protection via camouflage caused most white moths to die off, but the black moths began to flourish where their white relatives had before. Since the trees were now black, they provided the black peppered moths with camouflage. Less of them were constantly being preyed upon, so they had a chance to grow in population, and soon outnumbered the white moths. When something like that happens it is called natural selection. Natural selection is a type of evolution. The peppered moth in England is a perfect example of natural selection.

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