Whenever it rains, we get to see a rainbow in the sky, but did you ever wonder where that rainbow came from, or how it was formed.  Well, it all has to do with light, and something called refraction. Refraction is when light travels through a different medium causing it to bend. In this light is refracted into all of the colors of the visible light spectrum.

 When it rains there are lots of small water droplets in the air.  Sunlight goes through those droplets, and gets refracted into all of the colors of the rainbow. Finally they form the arc that we know as a rainbow! As you can see there is actually some interesting science behind how a rainbow forms. As to whether or not there is a pot of gold at the end of it though, I couldn't say.

4/30/2013 02:53:28 am

Nice paragraph! Try writing more though.


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