Between Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci I think I would rather meet da Vinci.  I think that would be really cool because he had so many different talents and interests.  This is different than Michelangelo because Michelangelo is best known for his art, whereas Leonardo da VInci made well known accomplishments in many areas.  That is why he is considered a true renaissance man!

Leonardo da Vinci painted famous art such as the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper, and he also made big discoveries and achievements in areas such as anatomy, architecture, maths, geology, and so much more! Modern people have uncovered some of da Vinci's journals, and what they have found is surely astonishing. Most of his ideas were kept to himself within his own journals, but his discoveries would have changed the way people thought about many things in that time. Also, I bet you didn't know that Leonardo wrote his journals in mirror writing, so people couldn't read them! This is why I think it would be very cool to meet Leonardo da Vinci.