Seventh grade has been an exciting year filled with many surprises. I have made a lot of new friends and have learned a lot about being organized and time management and all that stuff. Moving in to middle school from elementary school, was an exciting change, but I feel like I adjusted pretty well to having eight teachers and needing to keep up with so much. The best experience I had this year was the Zion field trip where we got to drive to Utah and go to Zion national Park and Bryce Canyon. That was so much fun and I wish I could do it again. Also, I have enjoyed having P.E. as a class, especially since I do Aquatics P.E which is very fun. I can't wait for what eighth grade has in store for me next year.

I think the worst experiences I have had this year were all the late nights doing homework. Sometimes there is a lot of homework, and if you are involved in things outside of school, it gets hard to keep up with school at times. I learned that I need to manage my time very well to get through middle school. Sort of at least.