The ancient chinese made many important discoveries and inventions that still effect how we live today.  These include things such as paper, paper money, silk, clocks, and the compass.  They also made big advances and discoveries in areas such as medicine and shipbuilding.  I think that Ancient China's two most important achievements were gunpowder and the great wall though.  Gunpowder was very important because it gave the military a lot of power, compared to their opponents.  So this was very important to Ancient China when it came to defending itself, and conquering other lands.  The other most important achievement of Ancient China would be the building of the Great Wall of China.  This was important event because the wall was basically impossible to get past or destroy by anything or anyone, which was obviously important for defending China.  Also it is an architectural wonder.  It is visible from space!!  That is pretty amazing to me.  That is why I think that these two things are the most important achievements of Ancient China.
It is the last day before we go on Thanksgiving break and I have much to be thankful for this year.  First, is my family who has helped me a lot this year, by supporting me in school, at home, and with sports, etc.  Without them I would not be able to get through school and life in general.  Another thing I'm thankful for is my friends.  Of course I like to learn, but the reason I love school is because I get to see my friends.  Without them, my life would be much worse than it is, and school would stink.   Finally, I am thankful for other adults in my life, such as coaches, teachers, youth leaders, etc. for helping and encouraging me just like everyone else has.  This year I have a lot to be thankful for, but these are the main things that have stuck out to me throughout the year.  I can't wait for Thanksgiving!!
A griot was a West African storyteller, historian, praise singer, poet or musician.  In ancient Africa the main job of a griot was to was to basically be the best storyteller they could be.  They would tell stories about the history of their tribe, wars and battles of the past, or just stories of everyday life.  Griots did not even have to work in the fields or anything like that, and were highly valued and respected people in the West African culture.  If one tribe tried to steal another tribe's griot it meant war.  

Did you know that griots still exist in modern Africa.  They are still an important part of west African culture, and without them we would't know as much about the ancient kingdoms of western Africa as we do. As you can see, the griots of West Africa now and in the past are very important.  




Fall is one of my favorite seasons for many reasons.  One is the weather.  It is nice and cool and windy which is my favorite weather to play sports in.  There is also more rain if we are lucky.  I also like the sports that come in fall.  For example, I play soccer in the fall, there is the world series, and college and pro football start.  Then there is thanksgiving.  I love thanksgiving because of all of the food, and because I get to be with my friends and family.