The ancient chinese made many important discoveries and inventions that still effect how we live today.  These include things such as paper, paper money, silk, clocks, and the compass.  They also made big advances and discoveries in areas such as medicine and shipbuilding.  I think that Ancient China's two most important achievements were gunpowder and the great wall though.  Gunpowder was very important because it gave the military a lot of power, compared to their opponents.  So this was very important to Ancient China when it came to defending itself, and conquering other lands.  The other most important achievement of Ancient China would be the building of the Great Wall of China.  This was important event because the wall was basically impossible to get past or destroy by anything or anyone, which was obviously important for defending China.  Also it is an architectural wonder.  It is visible from space!!  That is pretty amazing to me.  That is why I think that these two things are the most important achievements of Ancient China.

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