Ever since I was born my people have been traveling south down the coast of this new land following herds of animals that are our main source of food.  This has been a rough and demanding lifestyle and some people want to find a new place to settle down in permanently.  I think that would be great, but we have not come to a place that is abundant in animals to hunt or warm temperatures where plants are.  

Lately my clan has been realizing that the temperature is getting warmer and there are more and more new plants every day.  There also seem to be animals that live here too.  Some people believe that this is a good place to settle down permanently, but others think we should keep going.  I think we should stay here.  There is an abundance of plants and animals for us to eat, and the weather is not to hot or cold. I am certainly tired of traveling, living in makeshift homes, and eating whatever we can find. I vote that we stay in this new land!
This year I have read a lot of books that I really liked.  I also liked all of the books that we read as a class such as Crispin.  For most of the year I have been reading one series called Redwall by Brian Jacques, which I started sometime last year.  I really like this series which is why I have stuck with it for a long time.  In the Redwall series, there are a ton of books, so I could be reading it for a really long time.  Anyways, this year I think I have gotten through four or five of the books in the series, and am now on book seven or eight I think.  

The reason I like Redwall is because each book is alike, but also very different.  The books are also very exciting, and have great conflicts.  There is a lot of suspense as well and great characters.  Redwall books are about animals, but in  kind of a medieval setting which I think is kind of cool.  So the books from Redwall are my favorite books that I have read this year.
The Scientific Revolution was period of time between around 1500 and 1700.  During this period scientists made some huge discoveries, and wrote all the ideas that shaped modern science.  Take Sir Isaac Newton for example: he created the laws of gravity and motion.  The biggest thing that caused the Scientific Revolution to happen was that people began thinking for themselves instead of only listening to the church, or other major powers of the Middle ages and Renaissance.  The people began observing the world for themselves and coming up with theories of how things worked. 

A great example of this is in Nicolas Copernicus.  Copernicus believed that the universe was heliocentric, instead of the common Catholic teaching that it was geocentric.  Later, Galileo backed up his ideas with even more observation thinking.  Galileo made the heliocentric view more popular in Europe, but was later forced by the Inquisition to recant all his teachings and was put under house arrest for the rest of his life.  As you can see these big ideas were not very widely accepted back then, but over time more people came to believe  them, but are now known to be the truth because of people like Sir Issac Newton and Galileo.
Martin Luther was a very famous religious reformer of the early/mid 1500s.  He openly defied the Catholic Church with his 95 theses that he wrote and nailed to the door of the church in his town.  Martin Luther was mainly against the selling of indulgences.  Well, the 95 theses was considered heresy by the pope and the penalty for a heretic is death.  Instead of being scared though, Martin Luther just continued what he was doing even more passionately, even though he was sent a bull of excommunication from the Church in Rome, which he promptly burned in a bonfire.

Here are my five theses for Computech Middle School:

1. School should be the same length as most other FUSD schools

2. Jeans should be allowed in the dress code
3. Break should be longer than ten minutes
4. Lunch should be earlier in the day
5. The grace period for library books must be longer