The Scientific Revolution was period of time between around 1500 and 1700.  During this period scientists made some huge discoveries, and wrote all the ideas that shaped modern science.  Take Sir Isaac Newton for example: he created the laws of gravity and motion.  The biggest thing that caused the Scientific Revolution to happen was that people began thinking for themselves instead of only listening to the church, or other major powers of the Middle ages and Renaissance.  The people began observing the world for themselves and coming up with theories of how things worked. 

A great example of this is in Nicolas Copernicus.  Copernicus believed that the universe was heliocentric, instead of the common Catholic teaching that it was geocentric.  Later, Galileo backed up his ideas with even more observation thinking.  Galileo made the heliocentric view more popular in Europe, but was later forced by the Inquisition to recant all his teachings and was put under house arrest for the rest of his life.  As you can see these big ideas were not very widely accepted back then, but over time more people came to believe  them, but are now known to be the truth because of people like Sir Issac Newton and Galileo.
4/18/2013 03:35:05 am

Good paragraphs, but you spelled Isaac wrong.


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