Martin Luther was a very famous religious reformer of the early/mid 1500s.  He openly defied the Catholic Church with his 95 theses that he wrote and nailed to the door of the church in his town.  Martin Luther was mainly against the selling of indulgences.  Well, the 95 theses was considered heresy by the pope and the penalty for a heretic is death.  Instead of being scared though, Martin Luther just continued what he was doing even more passionately, even though he was sent a bull of excommunication from the Church in Rome, which he promptly burned in a bonfire.

Here are my five theses for Computech Middle School:

1. School should be the same length as most other FUSD schools

2. Jeans should be allowed in the dress code
3. Break should be longer than ten minutes
4. Lunch should be earlier in the day
5. The grace period for library books must be longer

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