This year I have read a lot of books that I really liked.  I also liked all of the books that we read as a class such as Crispin.  For most of the year I have been reading one series called Redwall by Brian Jacques, which I started sometime last year.  I really like this series which is why I have stuck with it for a long time.  In the Redwall series, there are a ton of books, so I could be reading it for a really long time.  Anyways, this year I think I have gotten through four or five of the books in the series, and am now on book seven or eight I think.  

The reason I like Redwall is because each book is alike, but also very different.  The books are also very exciting, and have great conflicts.  There is a lot of suspense as well and great characters.  Redwall books are about animals, but in  kind of a medieval setting which I think is kind of cool.  So the books from Redwall are my favorite books that I have read this year.

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