It is the last day before we go on Thanksgiving break and I have much to be thankful for this year.  First, is my family who has helped me a lot this year, by supporting me in school, at home, and with sports, etc.  Without them I would not be able to get through school and life in general.  Another thing I'm thankful for is my friends.  Of course I like to learn, but the reason I love school is because I get to see my friends.  Without them, my life would be much worse than it is, and school would stink.   Finally, I am thankful for other adults in my life, such as coaches, teachers, youth leaders, etc. for helping and encouraging me just like everyone else has.  This year I have a lot to be thankful for, but these are the main things that have stuck out to me throughout the year.  I can't wait for Thanksgiving!!
11/16/2012 02:08:36 am

I think that you used a good font but you didn't finish your paragraph, or I don't see it.

11/29/2012 02:45:12 am

Good font easy to see and you explained why your thankful for those certain things. Good job!

11/29/2012 02:46:29 am

I am about as thankful for the same things you are. The font color is too bright and distracting.

11/29/2012 02:51:59 am

Thank you Adam I am one of those friends right. Besides the point this is a very good blog post it doesn't even sound like you wrote it, it was really nice.

11/29/2012 03:08:55 am

Hahaha. Thanks Raezhanique.


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