A griot was a West African storyteller, historian, praise singer, poet or musician.  In ancient Africa the main job of a griot was to was to basically be the best storyteller they could be.  They would tell stories about the history of their tribe, wars and battles of the past, or just stories of everyday life.  Griots did not even have to work in the fields or anything like that, and were highly valued and respected people in the West African culture.  If one tribe tried to steal another tribe's griot it meant war.  

Did you know that griots still exist in modern Africa.  They are still an important part of west African culture, and without them we would't know as much about the ancient kingdoms of western Africa as we do. As you can see, the griots of West Africa now and in the past are very important.  
Zephyr vm55
11/8/2012 02:46:36 am

Uh.....it's right, but it's way to short, or weebly is messing up.


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