This week was red ribbon week at our school.  Throughout the week there were different things that we did to promote being drug free.  On Monday we could wear our favorite pair of sweats to school which was fun.  Then on Tuesday was bright colors day, but sadly I couldn't participate because I don't have any bright shirts that are solid.  Then next was my favorite day of this week.  It was wacky clothes day so we could almost wear anything we wanted!  I wore an unbottoned red and black plaid flannel shirt, and a pink and purple t-shirt under that.  Also, I wore blue running shorts and two idfferent socks.  One was knee- high and red, and the other was fluffly and purple with white polka dots.  This day was definitely a lot of fun. Then Thursday was crazy hair day which I didn't participate in, but it was still fun to see what everyone else did.  Lastly Fridya was jersey day, and I wore a sweatshirt for my favorite college, Stanford University.  Red ribbon week was a loot of fun, and i hope people thought it was fun, but also got the message of being drug free form it as well. 
Last weeek the first quarter of school ended.  It was a hard quarter, but somehow I got through it.  The Zion field trip was at the end of the quarter and when I got back there was a lot of work to be done.  There were also a lot of hard tests, but I was able to do all right with a few late nights, retakes of tests, a couple of assignments that got postponed, and course plenty of support and help from my parents.  That is how I was able to get straight A's on my report card.  Now we are in the second quarter and i'm sure that this quarter will be even harder than the first.  To achieve my goal of getting straight A's again , I will have to do better at managing my time, studying harder for tests, and over all just working harder.  So this is my goal for second quarter and for the whole year.
On Tuesday, we had a water polo game at  Clark Middle School in Clovis. They were really good and all of our teams lost but, but we played well.  The seventh grade boys lost thirteen to seven, but I was happy to have scored five of those seven.  It was my best game ever and I was proud of myself, but I was also proud of my team because we all played better than usual.  The seventh grade boys team record is two wins and two losses, but that is better than any other computech team, ever so we are doing very well considering that we play against peolpe who have been swimming their whole lives.  I am excited for our next game and the rest of the season.  Wish us luck!
This is make-up work so don't get confused by the dates, but last weekend from the fourth through seventh of October, I was in Kanab, Utah for a field trip with my science class.  I had a lot of fun on this trip.  On the first day, Thursday, all we did was drive all day until we got to the hotel.  Then on the next day, we woke up early and had breakfast, then drove out to Zion National Park.  At the park, we went hiking up the Virgin River. This particular hike is called the narrows.  You are walking through the river between to giant cliffs that go straight up, and block out all of the sunlight. It was wet and cold, but surely a lot of fun.  Then on Saturday, we woke up early again and left for the Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park.  That was a lot of fun because I have never really seen real sand dunes like that, and I did not expect them to be in Utah.  Then we left there and headed out to Bryce Canyon State park.  Here, there were amazing rock formations and we went a small hike.  It was weird how different these places were from what I am used to in California.  Finally, we drove home all day Sunday.  This is the best field trip I have ever been on and there are a lot of details that I am leaving out because this blog would be very long if I wrote everything we did.