Since the beginning of third quarter, after winter break, my aquatics P.E. class has been doing swim.  It has been a lot of fun, but also challenging and tiring.  Right now we are mainly working on backstroke and butterfly, and we already learned freestyle and breaststroke.  Butterfly is by far my worst stroke, and it takes a long time to learn how to do.  My best stroke is definitely breaststroke.  This stroke just kind of came naturally to me and I am pretty good at it.  We are also working on flip turns and other types of turns for other strokes.  These are pretty hard to become good at, but I have fun practicing them.  One last thing we worked on was relay turns. 

 Today we get to use all of these skills in our first meet.  It is just an intersquad meet so we are the only school, and it is mainly just to show us how a normal meet runs.  Nevertheless it is still like a meet and I am kinda scared because it is my first.  Our coach told me that we each are going to have four events: two individual races, and two relays.  I'm pretty sure I will get the 50 breaststroke, but other than that I am not sure.  I don't really care as long as I don't have to do butterfly.  I am very excited about his and it should be a lot of fun.
This weekend we get three days off from school which will be very relaxing.  I am excited because this week has been very long and tiring, so I will enjoy sleeping in and not really having much to do.  This last weekend was also three days long, and when there is a three day weekend there is no late start, which means we don't get to sleep in on Thursday.  We also have the next Monday off, which means we have three three day weekends in a row.  

I love having three day weekends because they really make the weeks feel shorter, and give you a chance to catch up on a work that you need to do. That is mostly what I will be doing this weekend is homework because having Monday off gives me a good chance to do it. I am not excited about having to do homework, but at least I have the time to do it! Hopefully this weekend will be a good chance to relax, but also get some work done.
Last night I got to go to Boomers with all the rest of the students at my school who got a GPA of 3.5 or higher.  There were tons of people there, and it was pretty fun.  I had fun hanging out with all my friends even though I didn't really do anything.  Pretty much all my friends were there and I found myself hanging out with a bunch of different people at different times.  One reason this ended up happening was because a lot of my friends were in line to race on the bumper cars.  I didn't really want to do that because the line was very long, and most people were waiting there for a long time.  I did not want to do that and waste my time.  

There were a lot of other things to do other than the bumper cars though.  Outside a lot of people also did mini golf, which is a lot of fun.  There were things to do inside too.  We could play laser tag, which I never did because the line was also very long for that.  Also there were all the racing games and other games available.  I played those a little bit, but overall I spent most of my time just walking around, having a good time with my friends.