This weekend we get three days off from school which will be very relaxing.  I am excited because this week has been very long and tiring, so I will enjoy sleeping in and not really having much to do.  This last weekend was also three days long, and when there is a three day weekend there is no late start, which means we don't get to sleep in on Thursday.  We also have the next Monday off, which means we have three three day weekends in a row.  

I love having three day weekends because they really make the weeks feel shorter, and give you a chance to catch up on a work that you need to do. That is mostly what I will be doing this weekend is homework because having Monday off gives me a good chance to do it. I am not excited about having to do homework, but at least I have the time to do it! Hopefully this weekend will be a good chance to relax, but also get some work done.

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