If I could make an invention that would help mankind I would create a remote that would have a button for many different types of things that you need to do, but don't want to do them.  This would include things like shutting your bedroom door at night when you forget to, but don't want to get back out of bed, lock up all your doors at night, preheat your oven, open and shut windows and blinds, turn on the sprinklers, and other things like that.  This would be very useful to many people because they would be able to do other more important things, instead of having to tend to all the simple, but necessary things.  Of course, the purpose of this invention would not just be to make people more lazy, even though some people would use it for that.  I would build it so that people can get simple household things done faster so they can have time for other things that are important, or for elderly people that can't do those things by themselves.  So that is the invention I would make to help people.
Today I have to be creative because I cannot think of anything to blog about, so I decided to write about what I would do if I had three wishes.  First I would have an infinite amount of money money so I could have a nice house, car, overall just life, etc. Also if I had an infinite amount of money, I could get this country out of debt and we could be awesome again, as well as give billions of dollars to charities around the world.  I mean, if I had all of the money in the world I could do anything.  Well the only problem with that would be that money would not be worth anything anymore.  The next thing I would wish for is to be in the Olympics when I am older.  That would be the greatest thing ever, and it has been a dream of mine for a long time.  Finally my last wish would be for more wishes of course.  Then I could wish for more and end up with as many wishes as I want.  So these are the things I would wish for if I had three wishes.
Yesterday was our last regular season water polo match.  We played at Central East High School against Central. We have already played against this team twice and lost both times.  The first time we played them, we brought the entire team and had to split the playing time between everyone on the eighth and seventh grade teams.  This did not work out very well and we lost by a lot.  Then we played them again during our tournament and the seventh and eighth grade teams were split up, so us seventh graders were all alone, plus we only had one sub during the whole match.  So we lost again, but we did pretty well if you consider our circumstances.  So yesterday we brought fifteen people from the team so that there were not too many people.  We did very well and played much better in many ways, but sadly we still lost.  It was a good match though, and we didn't lose by as much as we have before.  I had a lot of fun during this season, and I am glad that I decided to try out this new sport.  I can't wait until next season and swim season in the spring!