Today I have to be creative because I cannot think of anything to blog about, so I decided to write about what I would do if I had three wishes.  First I would have an infinite amount of money money so I could have a nice house, car, overall just life, etc. Also if I had an infinite amount of money, I could get this country out of debt and we could be awesome again, as well as give billions of dollars to charities around the world.  I mean, if I had all of the money in the world I could do anything.  Well the only problem with that would be that money would not be worth anything anymore.  The next thing I would wish for is to be in the Olympics when I am older.  That would be the greatest thing ever, and it has been a dream of mine for a long time.  Finally my last wish would be for more wishes of course.  Then I could wish for more and end up with as many wishes as I want.  So these are the things I would wish for if I had three wishes.
Vanessa Barfield
11/9/2012 01:51:58 am

When you said '' I could this country out of debt'' I think that you meant I could get this country out of debt.

11/30/2012 01:43:34 am

I think those are cool wishes, and I might wish for the same things. Nice!


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