I am very happy that it is the end of the year. There are only nine days of school left including today! In most of my classes we are pretty much done doing a lot of heavy work, but there are a few classes that I think might be stressful until the end of the year. Those are Core and Computers because in both of those classes we are still working on projects. Other than that I am finally starting to feel like it is the end of the year.  One reason for this is all of the upcoming end of the year events for school that are going on

There are a lot of really fun things happening around school until the end of the year. The first thing, which already passed, was Formal or the Evening Dance. That was a lot of fun because I got to hang out with my friends and take pictures and stuff. i am also really excited for Wild Waters day next Friday.  We get to go to The water park which is always a lot of fun. I got to go there last year too with my school so I know it will be fun. Finally there is the last week of school which is always fun because there usually isn't a whole lot going on except signing year-books and all that stuff. The best part is that I get out a day before the eighth graders because they have promotion! I am really excited for the end of school and then Summer.
Tonight is our school's formal dance, or the evening dance as we are supposed to call it. Hopefully it will be a lot of fun.  I was a little bit worried because none of my friends were going to be able to go, but then one of them decided to go a few days ago. That is pretty much what made me decide I wanted to go. A lot of my other friends aren't going though because of a German class field trip to San Francisco which just happened to be on the same day as the dance.

This year the theme of the dance is "Under the Sea" which sounds fun. It will be fun because you can take pictures with your friends, have fun dancing with your friends, and there is free food! I can't wait for the dance tonight.
The Zoo Project is a project that we have been working on in computers.  Each group has a different animal that we have to do research on, and next Tuesday all of the seventh graders get to go to the zoo.  This project has been pretty hard, and somewhat stressful because there is so much that we have to do.  I really can't wait for it to be over, but going to the zoo should be a lot of fun.

This project started about  month ago when we had to do some research in science on an assigned animal in four different sections: classification, adaptations, reproduction, and human interactions.  My group was assigned the Keel-billed Toucan. After all the research, we went to computers where we started out websites for our animals. There were a lot of things that we had to do such as a presentation, quiz, word cloud, QR code, multiple multimedia projects, and a lot of other things. Now we are just about done with the projects, and the websites are looking really good. Now we just have to go to the zoo!
1. Geometry 

2. Some elective that I don't want to get stuck with because none of the ones I want to do fit in my schedule

3. Core

4. Core

5. Computers

6. Science 

7. French 2

8. Aquatics P.E.
I am very upset because all year I have been looking forward to signing up for leadership next year, but I recently realized that it will not fit into my schedule.  I don't even know if my other elective for next year, French 2, will fit my schedule.  First of all, leadership will not work because I will have to have geometry either first or second period, and Aquatics P.E. is eighth period.  That leaves the blocks of 3/4 and 5/6 period open for Core and Computers/Science which have to be together.  So I can't do leadership because I need to have Core or Computers/Science open during sixth period, and leadership is sixth period.  

Because I need to have either Core or Computers/Science during 5/6 period, it means that the only time I can have French 2 is during 7th period.  Well that means that I would not be able to orchestra because that is also during 7th period.  I need to be ale to do French though because it is a high school class.