I am very happy that it is the end of the year. There are only nine days of school left including today! In most of my classes we are pretty much done doing a lot of heavy work, but there are a few classes that I think might be stressful until the end of the year. Those are Core and Computers because in both of those classes we are still working on projects. Other than that I am finally starting to feel like it is the end of the year.  One reason for this is all of the upcoming end of the year events for school that are going on

There are a lot of really fun things happening around school until the end of the year. The first thing, which already passed, was Formal or the Evening Dance. That was a lot of fun because I got to hang out with my friends and take pictures and stuff. i am also really excited for Wild Waters day next Friday.  We get to go to The water park which is always a lot of fun. I got to go there last year too with my school so I know it will be fun. Finally there is the last week of school which is always fun because there usually isn't a whole lot going on except signing year-books and all that stuff. The best part is that I get out a day before the eighth graders because they have promotion! I am really excited for the end of school and then Summer.

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