I am very upset because all year I have been looking forward to signing up for leadership next year, but I recently realized that it will not fit into my schedule.  I don't even know if my other elective for next year, French 2, will fit my schedule.  First of all, leadership will not work because I will have to have geometry either first or second period, and Aquatics P.E. is eighth period.  That leaves the blocks of 3/4 and 5/6 period open for Core and Computers/Science which have to be together.  So I can't do leadership because I need to have Core or Computers/Science open during sixth period, and leadership is sixth period.  

Because I need to have either Core or Computers/Science during 5/6 period, it means that the only time I can have French 2 is during 7th period.  Well that means that I would not be able to orchestra because that is also during 7th period.  I need to be ale to do French though because it is a high school class.

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