If I could make an invention that would help mankind I would create a remote that would have a button for many different types of things that you need to do, but don't want to do them.  This would include things like shutting your bedroom door at night when you forget to, but don't want to get back out of bed, lock up all your doors at night, preheat your oven, open and shut windows and blinds, turn on the sprinklers, and other things like that.  This would be very useful to many people because they would be able to do other more important things, instead of having to tend to all the simple, but necessary things.  Of course, the purpose of this invention would not just be to make people more lazy, even though some people would use it for that.  I would build it so that people can get simple household things done faster so they can have time for other things that are important, or for elderly people that can't do those things by themselves.  So that is the invention I would make to help people.
Julia M.
12/21/2012 01:44:52 am

Great paragraph. There is a spelling/grammar mistake. "Instead of have to tend to all the simple," it needs to instead be "having to tend to all the simple things."


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