Charlemagne was a Frankish king during the Middle Ages, and is also known as Charles the Great.  At the time when he was the king, Europe was divided into many small kingdoms, that always fought each other for power.  Charlemagne eventually conquered most of the kingdoms that were part of the former Western Roman Empire, creating his own huge empire.  Later, he became the first Roman emperor since the fall of Rome.  

Charlemagne's empire consisted of almost all of Western Europe including Northern Italy, modern day France, Germany, and many other western European countries.  He took over everywhere he could!  This meant that Europe was finally unified after so many years of internal war.  That made him a very important figure in the Middle Ages.  Eventually Charlemagne was crowned as the first emperor of the Roman empire since the fall of Rome.  These events made him very famous and are why we study him now.

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