I am in the worst possible situation imaginable, and I wonder if I might be cursed.  Nothing in my life has ever gone right, and I have not amounted to anything, or in other words,  I am a total failure.  Now I am on the run, on my way to wherever my fate takes me.  I've been declared a wolf's head, which means that anyone who finds me may kill me, and there is a huge reward for my capture.  John Aycliffe, the steward, has already tried to kill me multiple times, and falsely accused me of robbing the mansion! 

 I do not know why the evil steward is so intent on killing me.  It must be some secret about my father, or mother, that he doesn't want me to find out.  I was told by Father Quinel that my father was killed by the plague that swept through Europe a few years ago. Now Father Quinel is dead and I'm all alone and on the run.  Everywhere I go I feel that John Aycliffe is always right behind me. Though, I have to keep going because if I stop I will die anyways.  What is the loss though; my life isn't worth anything.  I keep asking God to give me a miracle, but what good is it.

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