The Inca and Aztec Empires were both great civilizations, who thrived in modern day Mexico (Aztecs) and all the way down the Andes mountains in South America (Incas). These empires had a lot of similarities, but one thing about them that was very alike was how each of them fell. 

The Aztecs and Inca were both conquered by the Spanish, but that isn't what really made their falls similar.  Before the Spanish came, each of them had internal conflicts which weakened them and their army.  Also, in both cases, the Spanish acted nice to them, and once they got inside their main cities, they attacked.  One other way that these two falls were alike, was that both of the empires couldn't fight against the Spanish guns and horses, with their stone and wood weapons.  There was definitely a lot that caused both the fall of the Inca and Aztec Empires.

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