On Tuesday our school's seventh graders got to go to the zoo to see our animals that we did our zoo project on.  There were a lot of new things at the zoo that were added since the last time I was there, so it was a lot of fun. My favorite part of the zoo was the tropical rain forest, which is where my animal, the Keel-Billed Toucan was.  It was cool to get to see my animal.

I like the rain forest exhibit because when you walk in, it really feels like you are in the rain forest because it is really big and the animals are out walking around instead of all being in cages.  It was funny though because when we were inside the exhibit, a big branch from a tree broke of and many zoo workers had to come help get it out.  This brought a lot of brief excitement in my group.  There was a lot of cool exhibits at the zoo, but the rain forest was my favorite.

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