As I am outside tending my field, I feel and hear a sound like thunder coming from the northern hills.  I slowly look up and see thousands and thousands of men on horses coming over the hill and I soon realize that it is the dreaded, bloodthirsty Mongols we have heard about from traders from western Asia.  My farm is in the most northern part of the village and I realize that it will be the first thing the Mongols hit as they come through the village.  There is pretty much nothing I can do to save myself, for I know I will be killed along with the rest of my village.  The Mongols will spare nobody.  

I sprint into the village to warn everyone of the Mongols, even though it will do no good, since I know that everyone has already felt the earth shaking and the the terrifying pounding of the drums.  They are almost here now, and the village has already given up hope.  We will all die and nothing is going to stop that.

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