Muhammad was the founder of Islam.  He was raised as a merchant and had his own caravan.  The teachings of Islam tell of Muhammad meditating in a cave one day when an angel came to him and gave him a message from God.  Muslims believe that he kept receiving these messages and they are what make up the Islamic holy book called the Qu'ran.  The people of Mecca did not want to follow or listen to Muhammad because his teachings went against everything they believed.  Because of this, Muhammad moved to Medina.  Then he moved back to Mecca after a while and the people began listening to him.  I'm not sure why things were so different then but I think maybe the people might have been tired of their old religions and decided to give Islam a try.  It might also be that Muhammad became wiser and therefore more influential during his time in Medina.  These are two reasons that I think the people listened to the teachings of Muhammad.

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