Seventh grade has been a challenging, but very fun school year for me.  I have had a lot of great experiences, and have met many new friends this year.  My favorite thing all year has been being in aquatics P.E.  Water polo and swim were really fun and I learned a ton of stuff about those two new sports.  It is also where I have met a whole new group of friends, that have been my closest friends all year.  I can't wait for being in the class again next year.

Another thing that happened this year was the Zion National Park field trip with Mr. Kirste.  I think I was very lucky to get to go on that trip.  It was fun because I got to spend a lot of time with my friends, and the park was amazing.  I really like the hike we did called the narrows.  It was cold and wet, but nevertheless very fun.  I have a lot of memories from that trip. I hope I can do something like that again soon.

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