The Black Death was a huge plague that swept through Europe during the Middle Ages.  It started in Italy when Chinese traders traveled there, and on their ships were flea infested rats.  The fleas carried the disease, but the rats helped spread it by carrying the fleas.   Soon this terrible sickness had spread throughout all of Europe, and there was nowhere to hide from it.  The plague came in many different forms, and caused many various symptoms.  

The Black Death killed very quickly.  Some forms killed faster than others, but nevertheless someone who was infected was pretty much guaranteed death. There was literally no place to escape the Black Death because it could travel through the air, food, water, animals, and other people. The safest place to be, though, was in the country where there was less constant contact between people and other things happening, but even there nothing was guaranteed. Because of the plague, the population of Europe decreased by a third, and millions of other people outside of Europe died as well.  As you can see, the Black Death was a truly horrible event in our history!

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