Today my uncle told me some very exciting news.  He said that the pope has called upon all of us Christians to go to the Holy Land and fight for Jerusalem. The Muslim Turks have invaded Jerusalem, and there is nobody to stop them! Maybe I shall take up the sword and go to the battle for the Holy Land.  After all, my uncle has asked me to!

We are of a noble family who has produced many great knights.  Now my uncle is the head of the family, so it would be his duty to go fight in this war.  But he is much too old, so he has asked me to go instead.  I am very excited about this possibility because I have always wanted to leave home and go adventuring in some far-away land.  I think this could also be a good chance to bring glory and honor to my family as well.  Maybe I could become a richer man and come back a hero.  I, for sure, will readily accept my uncle's request and go to the Holy Land to fight for my family and for the church!

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