I am very excited for winter break because tomorrow is the last day of school before our three weeks off.  I have a lot of things to look forward to this break.  First of all is sleeping in and not having any homework.  This will be nice especially after the last couple of weeks which have been crazy.  I have had more homework than ever, which keeps me up late and therefore, makes me quite tired the next morning.  The break will definitely be a relief to me.  

Another thing I am looking forward to during break is my birthday.  My birthday is very exciting because I was born on Christmas.  Everyone always tells me how sorry they are because I don't get as many presents.  But this is really not true.  All that having my birthday on Christmas means is that I get all my presents on the day, and no less than anyone who has their birthday on another day.  Christmas is a lot of fun because normally we will wake up and open our presents, then go see a movie or something.  After that we will pretty much just hang out at home and do other things.  Then later we will celebrate my birthday.  This is a lot of fun for me because it kind of keeps the day going.  These are the things I am excited for during break!

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