This is make-up work so don't get confused by the dates, but last weekend from the fourth through seventh of October, I was in Kanab, Utah for a field trip with my science class.  I had a lot of fun on this trip.  On the first day, Thursday, all we did was drive all day until we got to the hotel.  Then on the next day, we woke up early and had breakfast, then drove out to Zion National Park.  At the park, we went hiking up the Virgin River. This particular hike is called the narrows.  You are walking through the river between to giant cliffs that go straight up, and block out all of the sunlight. It was wet and cold, but surely a lot of fun.  Then on Saturday, we woke up early again and left for the Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park.  That was a lot of fun because I have never really seen real sand dunes like that, and I did not expect them to be in Utah.  Then we left there and headed out to Bryce Canyon State park.  Here, there were amazing rock formations and we went a small hike.  It was weird how different these places were from what I am used to in California.  Finally, we drove home all day Sunday.  This is the best field trip I have ever been on and there are a lot of details that I am leaving out because this blog would be very long if I wrote everything we did.
The last week or so we have been going through an online class on how to become better at google searching.  I have learned a lot from this class and I think a lot of what I have learned will help me become better at this because I have had bad previous experiences with google. For example, did you know that you can press control F and type in a word to find all the places that word is found on the page.  That is only one small piece of information that I have learned from this class.  We are almost halfway done with it and I have already learned a lot about google and how you can become better at using this amazing search engine.  I am very excited about the rest of the class and cant wait until I get to use what I have learned for real!
My water polo nickname is rainbow. The story of how I got this nickname is very long but I will explain it anyway.  At our first water polo game on tuesday, some girls on the team had a bunch of different colors of zinc which is like sunscreen.  They insisted that I wear it so they put some of every color on my face, and now I am called rainbow.  I will now say taste the rainbow whenever I score a goal and eat skittles before each game.  The only problem is that the girls and boys play at different places so I will not be able to wear zinc since because it is a girl that has it.  That is how I got the nickname rainbow.
My favorite food is pizza.  Pizza tastes really good.  One of my favorite places to get pizza is called Shaver Lake Pizza.  I like to go there on my back from the mountains when I have been camping or backpacking.  Their pizza is so good but it tastes even better when you are really tired from miles of hiking.  My favorite pizza place in Fresno is probably Popolo's.  That place is really good to.  One size of pizza that you can get is the party sized pizza.  I have never actually seen one but I have seen the pan for it hanging on the wall when you walk in.  Its so huge and someday I shall eat one.  Now i'm getting really hungry because of all this pizza I am writing about so i will have to go.
Yesterday was the first school dance.  I did not think that I would actually dance that much but I ended up dancing pretty much the whole time.  It was a lot of fun.  I liked hanging out with my friends and listen to music.  It went by too fast though.  I am very excited about all of the other dances that we will be having throughout the school year.  I hope another one comes soon.
I am very excited about all the sports that I will be able to do this year.  All of last week was water polo try outs and on Friday I found out I made the the team.  This will be the first time I have ever played water polo or swam competitively. For second quarter I would like to try out for soccer which is my favorite sport.  I have been playing for a long time and I really hope I can make the team.  For third quarter I want to play baseball just because it is the only boys sport at that time and I used to play it but would like to get back into it.  For fourth quarter I am going to have to make a decision.  I have to do swimming since it comes with water polo but I would also like to do another sport at the same time.  I would have to choose between track and boys volleyball both of which I really enjoy.