Today in our science class we are putting on a puppet show with different puppets of animals that Mr. Kirste assigned us to.  It is designed to explain the class the different adaptations of each animal.  My animal is the field cricket.  It has some cool adaptations such as being able to rub its wings together to make the humming sound, which is its' mating call.  Also, they eat almost anything which helps them because they don't have to put themselves in danger to find food.  Another trait that helps the filed cricket survive is its' color.  They have a very dark coloration, which is helpful to them because it helps them camouflage.

I am going to recite a poem I wrote about the field cricket in my group's puppet show.  The other members are a puffin, a Mexican free-tailed bat, and a red-tailed hawk.  They are each going to recite a poem as well, but the show will end with the Hawk doing a rap, which will be a lot of fun.  I think all of these animals have some pretty interesting traits, and I am very excited for the puppet show.

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