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Today is my last swim meet of the season.  I am really excited because we swam against this school earlier in the year, and there are some people that I really want to beat in the 50 breaststroke today.  That is my main event, but lately I haven't been in the pool as much because of volleyball.  This means that I am not as fast as I was earlier in the season.   Luckily I was able to swim the whole practice yesterday, so I hope that that helps me today.

I know that I am doing the 50 breaststroke already because that is the event that I chose, but I don't know what my other event will be.  I really hope I either get to do the 50 backstroke or 50 freestyle or something because those are easier, and I want as much energy as possible for My 50 breaststroke.  I really hope I do good today for the last meet!
4/12/2013 02:47:00 am

It needs to be longer.


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