I am very excited because tomorrow I get to go to the beach.  It should be a lot of fun because I have wanted to go to the beach for a long time now.  The reason I get to go is because me and my friend's mom are friends and they are going to the beach together for a day.  Me and my friend decided to ask if they would bring us along too and they said we could go.  So I am really happy because I also haven't seen my friend in a long time because after sixth grade we went to different schools. 

I think we are going to the central coast near Cambria, which is a place that I really like to go to. My favorite beach over there is called moonstone beach. I like that beach because you can actually find moonstone on the beach, and I have always really liked collecting rocks. Another thing I like about Cambria is all the little shops and restaurants. There is a pizza place that my family likes to go to after a long day at the beach. I can't wait for tomorrow!

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